Berserk Exhibition
Berserk (ベルセルク) is a dark fantasy manga created by Kentarō Miura, started in 1989 in the magazine Young Animal ( Hakusensha) . The story follows Guts, a lone mercenary, on his quest for revenge against Griffith and the demonic forces of the God Hand. Set in a dark medieval universe, Berserk explores themes of survival, betrayal, and resilience in the face of tragic fate.
This collection features official Berserk merchandise, including artbooks like The Artwork of Berserk , handwritten plates from the dedicated exhibition, as well as exclusive goodies available in limited quantities. These items celebrate the 32 years of serialization of the work and its immense artistic impact.
We also offer official figures of Guts as Black Swordsman and other iconic characters, designed with a high level of detail for collectors.
With over 50 million copies sold, Berserk is a must-read for dark fantasy. Explore this collection to discover rare items and unique products related to this cult universe.